Belly up
I've turned into the worst blogger ever, but it's been a busy few weeks. My boss has finally realised what a PA is for and is fast becoming the king of delegation. When the internal tone goes on my phone I don't need to look at caller display to see that it is him asking for his arse wiping yet again.
I have finally met his wife and she seems nice. She's around six months pregnant. She came in a week or so ago and he was in a meeting so she sat with me for a while. It was a bit hard looking in her eye knowing what I know but I managed it. She was telling me how boring pregnancy is- everybody telling you to sit down or relax- and all people ever want to talk to you about is the baby. She says she can feel clients- she works in PR- just look at her bump when she comes out with ideas, as if her being pregnant means she couldn't possibly have a fucking clue what she was talking about. I liked her. The adulterous bastard doesn't deserve her.
No other real news at all. Because I am sitting in a small office pretty much on my own I don't get to fraternize with other members of staff much- suits me. Everyone seems to be resolved to the fact they're not going to be doing fuck all now that Christmas is on the way, but they all try and look busy as I click-clack through their departments on the way out. I'm getting a lot of sneering because I'm the ONLY temp in the place- the company has tried loads of PAs in the past but they've all been shit so because this is my boss's first PA, the company have plumped for a temp because permanent members of staff are notoriously hard to sack. Needless to say I'm shit hot so there's no cause for concern.
At 2:52 AM,
PretaMulatta said…
listen, at least there is SOME activity in your office. there's nothing happening in mine.
thank god 4 blogging.
thank GOD!
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