Out on my ear
I wasn't in a good mood when I got into the office this morning because the tube had been even more cramped than usual and obviously some people had seen the weather report that it might rain later so I had to deal with umbrellas jabbing me in the ass every two minutes. Not great!
Things got even worse because no sooner had I sat down than Pam trotted through and said she wanted to see me in her office. I smiled sweetly and went on inside. Once again, there was a pile of coffee cups on her desk. Either she'd been in there drinking coffee all weekend or the cleaners hate her as much as I do and don't clear her shit away for her. She sits me down and starts saying things like she wants staff to be consolidated and it's really important that the face of the firm is actually one that belongs to the team and is not from another organisation. My mind was ticking over like mad by this point but I thought it was best not to say anything and just let her carry on droning. Her saucer eyes didn't move from my face once the entire time she was speaking and I was determined not to look away so it must have looked like we were having a staring contest. She said that because Donna was intending to leave now was an ideal time to find a receptionist who can truly represent the firm and it was not suitable for a temporary worker to be manning the desk longer than a permanent one. What she was getting it here I have no clue, but I assume she didn't want a smelly old temp showing a new perm receptionist the ropes. Her mistake. She told me that Donna would be serving her notice period doing other duties and that I was being released from my contract that VERY MINUTE. Then she looked away and brought out one of my temp agency's timesheets. "We'll pay you for today, of course," she said and signed her name on the sheet before taking her copy and giving me the other for the agency. I just kind of sat there not knowing what to say. "If you could get your personal effects from the desk and then I'll ask David (a security guard!) to escort you out of the building." was her next move and so I took the timesheet, stood up and left the office.
When I got back to reception, there was what looked like a 17 year old sitting there obviously shitting herself in case the phone rang. She was tapping with one finger on the keyboard attempting to scroll down on the legendary crap operating system. I started putting my bits and bobs in my bag. I don't tend to keep much at any desk I have so it didn't take long. The 17 year old turned to me and asked if I knew what to do when the screen froze. I asked her if she was a temp and she said no she wasn't. "Then you're on your own love," was my reply and I made to walk towards the lift as David dragged his knuckles behind me. As I was stepping into the lift, I turned to see Jeanette stood there with a smug expression on her face and then she walked into Pam's office and shut the door. What a fucking joke.
I got outside and called my recruitment agent and told her what had happened and she was gobsmacked. She said not to worry and that she'd do her best to dig something out for me.
I'm not particularly bothered about not working there any more- temping is supposed to be temporary after all, but I found the way I was removed a bit weird and can't help but think that Jeanette has got something to do with it.
And so I'm at home on a Monday afternoon instead of answering phones and watching Donna work her way through yet another packet of Chewits. It's a funny old world.
At 5:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
NO way!
that is beyond weird. almost surreal.
I love how you told the 17 year old she was on her own.
wow....they suck.
At 11:00 AM,
tempgirl said…
Hey don't worry they've done me a favour. New job is way better. I'll blog about it when I get a moment. x
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