The wicked witch of reception
My head is hurting as I write this. Yet again I overdid it at the weekend and so am caked in Touche Eclat to help avoid making people who visit reception when they see my eyebags- they're like hammocks.
I feel my time at this job is coming to an end. The temp agency hasn't phoned me for a while- they probably think I'm getting settled- but there's a bit of bitching and sniping going on that I could do without. Rather than buy me stuff from the deli on Frday like they said they would to cheer me up, some colleagues took me out for lovely, long lunch in the afternoon, with one of the PAs from upstairs who I really get on with offering to cover. Unfortunately for me, Sara, the embittered blonde who's always scuttling past my desk, now turns out to be absolutely madly in love with my boss despite the fact he doesn't know what her name is half the time and he is extremely happily married to the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen in all my days of scrutinising boss wives for imperfections. That my boss was among those wining and dining me was obviously too much for Sara and she felt I needed a dressing down.
When we got back, Sara was sitting on reception, stating that she sent the PA away because she was rubbish at reception. She was smiling at me like a cat that had just eaten a bowl full of cream and then done a shit in a dog's bed and I couldn't help but wonder why. Today I do know why. She's screwed up loads of filing, changed numbers on contact sheets so it's taken me five times to get people through to the right person or am phoning lunch orders through to mechanics and she's also rejected important deliveries.
Splitting on the evil cow to a boss isn't an option- I need my Receptionista reputation as one capable bitch to remain intact and no self-respecting temp would admit they were having a problem with a permanent member of staff, but I cannot let her get away with it. I reckon I'm going to haul my arse out of here in a week or two, but I want to make sure I exact my revenge on that witch before I do.
At 6:26 PM,
PretaMulatta said…
ok i am waiting 4 EVERY scene of this drama 2 play itself out (as a former temp, now an indentured servant at this company - but NOT 4 long!!)
At 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow. that is just freaking evil of her.
what ever you do...will only be setting the world right. so it can be evil. and there will be no judging.
I can't wait!
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