Inside information
She has told me what she does, but I can't remember because it was most obviously made up job title ever. I think it translates as 'filing' and she seems to be in charge of some vague department round the corner. I never have to go there because Sara likes to come through and collect any messages for herself from me. Basically, she's a lazy cow. Lazy cows are always welcome because they make me look good.
I've not known her for long enough to get any serious dirt from her yet, but I can tell she's dying to spill as she sits there on the edge of the desk, dangling one ice pick-sharp stiletto off her foot. I'm just letting her get there herself- for me to come outright and ask for the scandal is against the temp code of conduct (which I'll write one day)- you don't want to look like a gossip and people who are willing to dish it aren't usually liked by other 'perms', so you've got to watch it. From the amount of eye rolling Sara's presence attracts from most other colleagues when they approach and see her, I'm guessing that Sara's been shoved down on this floor for a reason. As I said, she's no red-hot scandal for me yet, but she has hinted heavily the following:
- She's had affairs with half of the board (not hard to believe- she's attractive in a Cindy from Eastenders kind of way.
- Almost half of X department are cokeheads (hardly a huge surprise but she's telling it as if it's 1983).
- Quite a few women in Y department will take money for sex.
I see that I'm going to have to watch my step with this one, she could be dangerous.